Where Do I Go From Here song lyrics are the property of the respective
artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational
purposes and private study only. The chords provided are my
interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.
Do I Go From Here lyrics chords are provided for your personal use
only, this is a wonderful country gospel song by Jim Reeves. It's done
very slow and with feeling, it has simple chords.
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Where Do I Go From Here recorded by Jim Reeves written by Ray Griff
G7 Where do I go from here what fate is drawing near F
C Touch my heart and guide my lips in prayer Through the grace of God alone G7 I'll cast aside these fears I've known
C And lift myself from the depths of deep despair G7 Lead me through the darkness C And through each gloomy day G7 Take my hand oh precious Lord C G7 And help me on my way C Give me strength that I might find G7 Abiding faith and peace of mind
G7 C And I won't ask Where do I go from here
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This software was developed by John Logue.
one has ever had a smoother voice than Jim Reeves, he recorded many
songs during his career, many of them country gospel. This one is
superb and has a lot of meaning, it has simple chords with a nice slow
melody. It's easy enough for us amateurs to sing and pick. Copy and paste Where Do I Go From Here lyrics and chords, so you can learn this great old song.