country classic song lyrics are the property of the respective
artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational
purposes and private study only. The chords provided are my
interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.
What's A Man To Do
lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use
only, it's a very good song recorded by Vince Gill.
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What's A Man To Do Recorded by Vince Gill Written by T.J. Knight and Curtis Wright
G C G Before the tears I've cried have even dried D7 G She'll be with him C Look in each others eyes G And with her lips still warm with lies D7 G She'll kiss him D7 C And though she knows she's wrong G She just keeps on D7 Keeping me hanging on
A D7 Tell me what's a man to do A E7 When the one he's promised to A Finds somebody new D7 Should I just stand by A Watch the love I've lived for die D7 E7 Lord I wish I knew A Tell me what's a man to do
G C G Maybe I'll make a stand or just wash my hands D7 G Of her forever C I've never been alone G Except for here at home D7 G When they're together D7 C And though I know it's wrong G I let her go on D7 Just keepin' me hanging on
repeat #2
D7 A Tell me what's a man to do
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This software was developed by John Logue.