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Tougher Than Leather lyrics and chords are provided for your
personal use, it's a long story song written and recorded by Willy
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Tougher Than Leather written and recorded by Willie Nelson [3/4 time]
G G7 He was tougher than leather and he didn't care C Whether the sun shined or not D7 When a young kid in Cow Town wanted a showdown G He was careless or just maybe forgot
But he died in the gunfight blinded by sunlight G7 C Never draw when you're facing the sun D7 And old tougher than leather G Just carved one more notch on his gun
D7 And when he turned to go the beautiful maiden knelt down G Where her dead sweetheart lay A7 And on his breast placed a rose D7 While the townspeople stared in dismay
G And old tougher than leather should've known better D7 But he picked up the rose in his hand
And the townspeople froze when his hands crushed the rose G And the rose petals fell in the sand
And old tougher than leather was a full-time go-getter D7 The grass never grew beneath his feet
From one town to another he would ride like the wind G But his mind kept going back to the street
Where a young cowboy died and a young maiden cried D7 And rose petals fell in the sand
And his heart had been softened by the beautiful maid G And he knew he must see her again
Well he went back to the town where it all had come down D7 And he searched but his search was in vain
He had wanted to find her and say he was sorry G For causing her heart so much pain
But one night he died from a poison inside D7 Brought on by the wrong he had done
And old tougher than leather G Had carved his last notch on his gun
Well he was buried in Cow Town along about sundown D7 Looking good in his new store-bought clothes
When the young maiden came over and knelt down beside him G And on his lapel placed a rose
C There's a bird in the sky G Flying high flying high D7 To a place from a place G Changing skies changing skies
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