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The Road
lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use
only, it's a very good song recorded by Waylon Jennings.
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The Road Recorded by Waylon Jennings Written by Ted Harris
G C G Back home the family's eatin' dinner C G There's a fire in the fireside warm and bright Am C But I won't be there today cause I've got a debt to pay Am D7 Em And they don't let black sheep stray from the road Am D7 G No they don't let black sheep stray from the road
C G My throat is cryin' now for water C G Lord that wind is blowin' cold Am C That guard is watchin' me like a hawk up in the tree Am D7 Em And I'm longin' to be free from the road Am D7 G Yes I'm longin' to be free from the road
C G Every bone inside my body's achin' C G And that guard don't care if I live or die Am C He told me yesterday son don't try to get away Am D7 Em For I'll lay you down to stay by the road Am D7 G Yes I'll lay you down to stay by the road
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