country classic song lyrics are the property of the respective
artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational
purposes and private study only. The chords provided are my
interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.
The Lady She's Right
lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use
only, it's a very good song recorded by Vern Gosdin.
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The Lady She's Right Recorded by Vern Gosdin Written by Rex Gosdin and Les Reed
G C G She believes I just can't make it without her A7 D7 That she's the reason I lay awake at night G C G And she thinks that I wish I could hold her C G C G One more time and the worst part of it all D7 G C The lady she's right
Am D7 C G She thinks I'm like a child that's lost in a crowd Em D7 C D7 That I'm helpless without her to watch over me C D7 G C She believes that in time I'll go out of my mind G C G And the truth of the matter is D7 G The lady she's right
C G She just called me up to see how I was doing A7 D7 As I lied to her she read between the lines G C G And I can't believe I heard her sweet voice saying C G C G This time we'll make it and the best part of it all D7 G The lady she's right
C G Yes the best part of it all D7 G The lady she's right
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"Key" on any song, click
for the easiest way possible. Copy and paste lyrics and chords to the
key changer, select the key you want, then click the button "Click
Here". If the lyrics are in a long line, first paste to Microsoft Word
or a similar word processor, then recopy and paste to key changer.
This software was developed by John Logue.