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The Immigrant
lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use
only, it's a very good song recorded by Johnny Rodriguez.
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The Immigrant Recorded by Johnny Rodriguez Written by Merle Haggard
G American ranching consists of a mansion Bm Am D7 Where illegal immigrant do much of the labor by hand Am D7 They sneak 'em through customs till time comes to bust 'em G Then haul 'em back over the border to their own native land
With a ragged sombrero and not much dinero G7 C They'll be back again when the ol' Rio Grande's way down low G So border patroller don't stop the stroller D7 G Cause the Mexican immigrant is helpin' America grow
Viva La Mexico go where they let you go D7 And do what you can for the land Am D7 Take home dinero and buy new sombrero G And come back again when you can
What makes a gringo his smart aleck lingo Bm Am D7 When he stole this land from the Indian man way back when Am D7 Don't he remember the big money lender G That put him a Lincoln parked where his pinto had been
The almighty peso that gives him a say so G7 C To dry up the river whenever there's crops to bring in G This a good neighbor to take all his labor D7 G Then chasing back over the border till he's needed again
Repeat #3 x2
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