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The Answer Is Love lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use
only, it's a very good country song recorded by Porter Wagoner.
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The Answer Is Love Recorded by Porter Wagoner Written by Dolly Parton and Buck Trent [3/4 time]
G Things seem to worsen as time goes along D7 C G We stand bewildered and ask what is wrong
We say it's a pity but that's not enough D7 C G We've asked the question and the answer is love
C G The answer is love to all of the problems we face C G D7 We can't solve our problems still we rid out hearts of hate C G We can't fight our brothers and get blessings from above C G C D7 G We have asked a question and the answer is love
People are hungry with no clothes to wear D7 C G How can they survive if nobody cares
Still we've refused them when they turn to us D7 C G That's not the answer the answer is love
Repeat #2
C G C D7 G We have asked a question and the answer is love
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or a similar word processor, then recopy and paste to key changer.
This software was developed by John Logue.