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Song Man
lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use
only, it's a very good song recorded by Tanya Tucker.
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Song Man Recorded by Tanya Tucker Written by Dallas Frazier and Arthur Leo Owens
G On the sidewalks of Savannah C G There's an old man ragged and blind C G He don't beg and he don't steal D7 And he don't fool with wine
C G With an old guitar in his wrinkled hands C G A thousand songs in his mind C G You can't keep your heart from lovin' C D7 The song man when you'll hear him cry
G Em C G Song man one song for a dime C G I got songs that'll make you happy D7 Songs that'll make you cry
Em C I got a special on poor man's blues Em C Two for the price of one G Em And it won't cost you a thing to hear me C D7 Sing my favorite gospel song G D7 Em C Lord I'm comin' home Lord I'm comin' home G I've been fightin' the devil too long D7 G Lord I'm comin' home
The old timers in Savannah C G Have known him all of their life C G They all say that he's done seen D7 A hundred years go by C G With an old dog he calls Governor John C G He starts at the break of dawn
C G He don't stop as long as someone C D7 Wants to hear him sing a song
Repeat #3,4
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This software was developed by John Logue.