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Someone New lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use only,
it's a very pretty country song recorded by Keith Whitley.
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Someone New Recorded by Keith Whitley Written by Skip Ewing
G D7 She ain't wearing tight blue jeans anymore Am D7 She's gone out and bought some fancy new things at the store G B7 Em D7 C I don't think I've ever seen her look like this before Am D7 I know she's got something on her mind
G D7 She called up all the friends she has and told them on the phone Am D7 She was crying for no reason yesterday when I came home G B7 Em D7 C I can't say it's her fault cause I'm just as much to blame Am D7 G But I don't think we’ll ever be the same
C D7 G She's making plans for someone new C D7 G And I can't understand what she's going through C But I'm doing the best I can G A7 I'll be there to hold her hand D7 While she's making plans
G D7 I really shouldn't worry cause I'm sure she'll be all right Am D7 Still I know how it'll scare me when she finally says its time G B7 Em D7 C If we have a little girl it's gonna fill my heart with joy Am D7 G But I kinda hope this first time it's a boy
Repeat #3
C D7 G Oh I can’t believe I’m gonna be a dad
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This software was developed by John Logue.