country classic song lyrics are the property of the respective
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Salt Lake City lyrics and chords are intended for your
personal use
only, it's a very good song recorded by Hank Williams, Jr..
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Salt Lake City Recorded by Hank Williams, Jr. Written by Curly Putman and Ronnie Wilkins
C Sun's up better get up
And make the rounds
All alone on my own F Here in this ole town G7 Of Salt Lake City
C Gotta find work forget the hurt F And how she put me down G7 For a man who didn't care F But with fast talk and curly hair C He took her from me G7 C And Salt Lake City
Night has come day is done F But there's no job to be found G7 In Salt Lake City
C Room's cold no one to hold F So I'll just walk around G7 And think of the times that she F Said that she loved me C But that's just a memory G7 C In Salt Lake City
F I should pack my things and go C F But my heart keeps sayin' no C Someday she'll come back to me G7 C And Salt Lake City
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This software was developed by John Logue.