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Ring Of String
lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use
only, it's a very good song recorded by Ferlin Husky.
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Ring Of String Recorded by Ferlin Husky Written by James B. Aho
C Tie a piece of string wear it like a ring Dm Helps you to remember G7 Pony rides and red balloons football games and looney tunes C Most of all remember me your daddy
Take a piece of chalk write upon the wall Dm Daddy still loves mommy G7 You're too young to understand momma loves another man C Most of all remember me your daddy
F Tie a piece of string wear it like a ring C A# Write my name on the sidewalk C A# When it fades in the rain don't forget your ring of string C F C A# Always remember me your daddy (your daddy)
C Stand straight and tall mark it on the wall Dm Won't be here to watch you grow G7 Always try to be a man and if you need a helping hand C Remember what I told you long ago
Repeat #3
C A# When it fades in the rain don't forget your ring of string C F C A# Always remember me your daddy (your daddy)
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