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My God's Not Dead
lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use
only, it's a very good song recorded by Jerry Lee Lewis.
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My God's Not Dead Recorded by Jerry Lee Lewis Written by Bill Taylor, Laverne Thomas, Donnie Pittman
G C G Well let me tell you brother that my God's not dead E7 A7 D7 He lives inside of my old heart just like He always said G C G So if you still don't know my God then let me say it again C G E7 A7 D7 G Oh no oh no my God's not dead sorry bout yours my friend
C G I'm gonna tell the world my God's not dead He walks and He talks to me A7 D7 And He’s always by my side wherever I may be G C G He stands at your heart's front door but you must invite Him in C G E7 A7 D7 G Oh no oh no my God's not dead sorry bout yours my friend
C G Don't you know that today is the first day of the rest of your life E7 A7 D7 Now would you like to be free from all your sins all your burdens and strife G C G Yes my God He can make you brother He can make you fishers of men C G E7 A7 D7 G Oh no oh no my God's not dead sorry bout yours my friend
C G If you really knew my God you'd know that He's not in a tune A7 D7 Jesus walked on the water Lord long before man walked on the moon G C G Some play for all on my God's team and you will surely win C G E7 A7 D7 G E7 Oh no oh no my God's not dead sorry bout yours my friend
A7 D7 G A7 D7 G Sorry bout yours my friend sorry bout yours my friend
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