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My Bonfire
lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use
only, it's a very good song recorded by Porter Wagoner.
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My Bonfire Recorded by Porter Wagoner Written by Horace Whatley, Jack Segal, Orville Stone
D7 G From your penthouse high above C Gm G Where you live now with your love D7 G And you see my golden bonfire burning bright G7 Maybe somehow you will know C Gm G What that glow is down below D7 G For I'm burning your love letters here tonight
D7 G I feed them to the hungry flame and watch it take command D7 G C G Each letter warmed me when it came but now they're cold in hand G7 C Gm G Bonfire bonfire hear my plea blaze away her memory D7 G Burn this yearning from my heart and set me free
D7 G My bonfire is a bitter joke your love was just the same D7 G I watched my dreams go up in smoke my soul is in the flame G7 C Gm G Bonfire bonfire hear my plea blaze away her memory D7 G Burn this yearning from my heart and set me free
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