These country classic song lyrics are the property of the respective
artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational
purposes and private study only. The chords provided are my
interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.
King Of Fools lyrics and chords are provided for your personal use,
it's an excellent country song co-written and recorded by Buck Owens.
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King Of Fools Recorded by Buck Owens Written by Buck Owens, Red Simpson, Dusty Rhodes
C G7 I believe every lying word you told to me C When you whispered your sweet love belonged to me F How was I to know you would let me down C G7 C Well that's how this lonely king won this lonely crown
G7 So long live the king the king of fools C The king with the castle filled with gloom F A king whose treasures are just memories of you C G7 C Long live the king the lonely king of fools
G7 When your fling is through I know that you'll be back once more C And the king of fools will take you back just like before F You'll fool me till you find somebody new C G7 C Then once again I'll be the lonely king of fools
Repeat #2
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This software was developed by John Logue.