These country classic song lyrics are the property of the respective
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interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good Night's Love lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use, it's a very good country song recorded by Tammy Wynette.
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Good Night's Love Recorded by Tammy Wynette Written by Chester Lester and Tim Dubois
C F What you need is a good night's love G7 C Everything's gonna look a little better when the sun comes up F I'm here to see that you get enough G7 C What you need is a good night's love
F C I can tell by looking it's been another crazy day
You've had your fill of workin' F C And worryin' bout the bills we've got to pay F C But let's go talk about it now I know exactly what you need G7 C Let's get the kids in bed and leave the rest up to me
Repeat #1
F C That wine that we’ve been savin' sure will taste good by candle light
I'll take the phone off of the hook F C You’re the only one I'm talkin' to tonight F And the things I whisper in your ear C Are gonna take your mind off of today G7 C Just put yourself in my hands and let me love you all the way
Repeat #1
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This software was developed by John Logue.