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Dusty Winds lyrics and chords

These country classic song lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords provided are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

Dusty Winds lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use only, it's a very good song recorded by Marty Robbins.


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Dusty Winds
Recorded by Marty Robbins
Written by Joe Babcock

C A#7
Ninety days since the country's seen a drop of rain
Forty-four since the grass begin to burn
Thirsty cattle are millin' round the old creek bed
C G7 C
Dusty winds where the waters used to churn

F C A#7 C
Dusty winds hear them blow dusty winds moanin' low
F C F C G7 C
Night and day on they go those dusty winds

Not a cloud in the sky but still the sun shines dim
But enough to turn the scenery dark and brown
Lookin' westward is a dust cloud loomin' high in the sky
C G7 C
Shows the trail of fifty settlers leavin' town

F C A#7 C
Dusty winds hear them blow dusty winds moanin' low
F C F C G7 C
Night and day on they go those dusty winds

When it's late in the evenin' in my cabin all alone
It's so lonesome when that wind comes howlin' through
And I think of all the settlers headin' west out of town
C G7 C
Kind of wish I that had left here with them too

F C A#7 C
Dusty winds hear them blow dusty winds moanin' low
F C F C G7 C
Night and day on they go those dusty winds


If you want to change the "Key" on any song, click here for the easiest way possible. Copy and paste lyrics and chords to the key changer, select the key you want, then click the button "Click Here". If the lyrics are in a long line, first paste to Microsoft Word or a similar word processor, then recopy and paste to key changer. This software was developed by John Logue.    




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Dusty Winds lyrics and chords
